Quartermaster Page
This is a place where member can share items for sale (or free) with each other. Send a description, pictures, price, your contact information, and shipping details to the quartermaster and we'll post it here for you. This feature is exclusively by and for the members of this unit.
 LRRP Coin $20.00 each (includes s&h)
Send request with payment to:
Marshall Huckaby 699 Willow Dell Drive
Senoia, GA 30276
 Belt Buckle $20.00 each (includes s&h)
Send request with payment to:
Marshall Huckaby 699 Willow Dell Drive
Senoia, GA 30276
 Window Decal $1.00 each
Inside static cling – 4” X 5”.
Clear background. Place inside your car window to view from the outside.
Static cling – can be removed and placed on another window several times.
(Note - LRRP scroll is black background, not red, see window.) About 200 in stock (1/1/2011)
Send request and payment to:
Bill Mrkvicka 26 Pinewood Knoll
Rochester, NY 14624
 I know you are all wondering what to wear to the reunion this summer and if what you have will go with Georgia heat. I am getting ready to put in an order. If anyone needs to look the part at the reunion we have the white polo as shown on our lovely model for $25 or the patriotic for $44. Let me know in time to get them to you for Memorial Day. Send request and payment to:
Joe Cassilly PO Box 195 Bel Air, MD 21014
 Hey Guys, get Joe's book!