Loudly Calls
the trumpet, that summons Americas sons, Come forth ! You have a duty, and a job that must be done;
Leave behind your friends and family despite your tender years, shoulder the mantle of the soldier, no time for childhood fears:
Did not your fathers before you, also hear the trumpet call? and put their love of country, and their duty above it all?
They stood at Bunker hill, and some at Shiloh fell, their youth lost in the trenches, that turned France into a living Hell.
They stormed those deadly cliffs, Rangers, so young and proud, as again their country called them, Oh, the Trumpet, it calls so loud;
Why must that trumpet call us, to face, bayonet, shot, and shell, and join all those before us, who charged that deadly hail.
We're not supermen , Just Americans, you and me; who know , as those before us, that freedom is never free;
What is that mournful sound ? please, not the Trumpet bray, must each generation of young men, suit up and march away?
Why was Korean our problem? couldn't they handle this alone, why should I leave my family, can't duty be served at home?
Mother can you hear the music, is there a band that's playing near? can it be some joyous party, and not the Trumpet I hear.
To Viet Nam went our young men, bravely toward that foreign shore, please, won't there ever be a day, when the trumpet sounds no more?
Lo, gently calls the Trumpet, and beckons from the wall, Joseph, Charles, John, Carl, and Brian, march toward their final call.